Wednesday, February 22, 2012

These formations will hinder the plant ...

Bacteria are small organisms constantly present in virtually every environment on Earth. Measuring only a few micrometers, they may prove to have serious consequences for the infected, whether plant or animal. They can be found in soil, water and any organic material and even radioactive waste. Bacterial diseases of plants can be very destructive. Some plant diseases caused by bacteria can quickly kill your plants, others make it gradually wither. Typically, the disease caused by bacteria in plants is not destructive to plants, because he can not enter into the stems or leaves of plants, but it will penetrate through artificial or natural openings or wounds. The three most common plant diseases caused by bacteria are gallic, bacterial spot and bacterial burn: -

legionella bacteria

is a disease that affects the roots and stems of woody plants, attacking fruit trees and roses. Stems and roots of infected plants develop smoothly, light of bile that hardens in the gall colorless, which eventually fall to make room for new, secondary galls. These formations will hinder the plant capacity to transport nutrients and water throughout the buy strattera plant, resulting in slow growth and loss of inspiration. As the disease is soil bacteria and can not act in the soil for many years, there is no real treatment for it. The best defense is planting plant crown gall resistance. can be identified by a letter symptoms of infected plants. The plant will develop spots, dark and watery accompanied by yellowing halos. If the plant is exposed to direct impact of rain or moisture stains will merge and premature defoliation will follow in the event of severe infection. Citrus, stone fruit trees and vegetables influence, as well as other open deciduous plants. Bacterial leaf spot has no cure, but they can be controlled at the beginning of spraying copper-based fungicide spray. It is also important to water the plants at the root level and support a zone free of decomposing material. affects fruit trees and roses. This disease is very devastating to the plant and is at rest in decaying plant material or herself. Once the plant enters the growing season, the bacteria penetrate through the natural openings, but can also be insects on the plant. Infected plants is tan colored sludge bacterial infection in pixels, starting mainly in flowers and leaves. These parts are then deformed and eventually turns black. How care is associated with growth, it follows that the faster growth of plants will be more severely affected. Trim affected parts of sterilized scissors cutting, sterilizing it with each section, will prevent further infection. A good dose of copper-based fungicide sprayed several times during the growing season to prevent any re-infection. Bacteria can infect one of the trees in your garden, resulting in moderate to extreme damage. This can be avoided by proper care of plants and prompt treatment of any suspected infection. .

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